ECE Colloquium - Dr. Victor Lawrence, Stevens Institute of Technology
Henry R. and Gladys V. Irons Endowed Lecture
New Location: Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering, Room 105
All ECE Colloquiums this semester will be held in Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering, Room 105
Speaker: Dr. Victor Lawrence, Stevens Institute of Technology
Host: Prof. Yingying Chen
The first ECE Colloquium talk of the Spring semester is on Wednesday, February 19th from 10:20 - 11:40 in Richard Weeks Hall - Room 105 (RWH-105). Dr. Victor Lawrence from Stevens Institute of Technology will be presenting a talk titled, A Career in Technology Can Change the World: My Professional Journey. We will be honoring Dr. Lawrence as part of the Henry R. and Gladys V. Irons Endowed Lectureship Series.
There will be pizza served after the talk on a first come first serve basis.
Please note the building and room change to Richard Weeks Hall. If you are in the ECE Colloquium course, 16:332:699, the sign-in sheet will be at the entrance on the second floor. Once you enter Richard Weeks Hall, go up the stairs or the elevator to the second floor and you will see Katie Yu there with the sign-in sheets. You must sign in before 10:40 to receive attendance credit.