Industry Advisory Board
Industry Advisory Board members are selected to ensure representation of ECE alumni, while also considering other factors such as the connection with ECE, possessing substantial industry experience in relevant fields, their academic experience at other institutions, and their enthusiasm for reviewing the ECE program and providing constructive feedback for curriculum development and marketing strategies.

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Industry Advisory Board provides input on academics, research, administration, outreach, advocacy, and development. The Board reviews the graduate and undergraduate curriculum and degree programs, program educational objectives, and program outcomes, and offers suggestions for change to keep them current. The Board evaluates the quality and scope of our research, its relationship to our programs, its relevancy and helps guide future directions. The Board recommends ways to build new relationships with industry and to strengthen those we have.
Don Bachman, ENG’86, RBSG’08
Head of Strategy
Russelectric, A Siemens Business
Dorin Comaniciu, PhD GSNB'00
Senior Vice President, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation
Siemens Healthineers
Ed Cordero
Anindo Dutta, ENG’93
Ernst & Young, Asia Pacific
David Famolari, ENG’96, GSNB’99
Managing Director
Hearst Ventures
Hubertus Franke
Distinguished Research Staff Member
IBM Research
Kfir L. Godrich
Managing Director
Rajiv Jain, ENG’89
CTO for Financial Services Industry
Ed Knapp
Chief Technical Officer
American Tower Corporation
Victor B. Lawrence
Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology
Chris Marty, ENG'93
Managing Director
Two Sigma Investments LP
Rita Marty, ENG’93, GSNB’96, RBSG’02
Vice President
AT&T - Chief Security Office
Harry L. Moore
Graybeard Solutions LLC
Gihan B. Oraby, ENG'02
Deputy Director for the Weapons and Software Engineering Center (WSEC)
Picatinny Arsenal, U. S. Army
Bharat Parikh, ENG’87
AASKI Technology Business Unit, MAG Aerospace
Russell Pepe
Vice President
Advanced Technical Marketing Inc.
Pete Pupalaikis, ENG’88
Founding Partner and Director of Signal Integrity
Nubis Communications
Joe Rambala, ENG’86
President, Electronic Warfare, Space & Airborne Systems
Thomas Richardson
Vice President, Engineering
Qualcomm Inc.
Ashwin Sampath, PhD GSNB’94,’97
Senior Director of Technology
Qualcomm Inc.
Sanyogita Shamsunder
Director of Strategy-Technology/Network CTO Office
Verizon Wireless
Stephen Wilkus
Chief Technology Officer
Spectrum Financial Partners
Mengmei Ye, PhD ENG'21
Staff Research Scientist, IBM Research