Pete Pupalaikis
Founding Partner and Director of Signal Integrity
Nubis Communications
Author of "S-Parameters for Signal Integrity" published by Cambridge University Press (2020).
Prior to starting Nubis Communications, Pete Pupalaikis worked at Teledyne LeCroy (formerly LeCroy Corporation) from 1995 to 2020 and managed integrated-circuit development and intellectual property as Vice President of Technology Development. Prior to LeCroy, he served in the United States Army and as a consultant in embedded systems design.
Pete Pupalaikis was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1964 and received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey in 1988.
Mr. Pupalaikis has twenty nine patents and has published numerous papers in the area of measurement instrument design and is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu and the IEEE signal processing, instrumentation, solid-state circuits and microwave societies. In 2013 he was elevated to Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to high-speed waveform digitizing instruments.