ECE Grader Employment
Grader jobs are now open for Spring 2025 ECE courses
Please complete the application via an email link sent to the ECE Graduate students mailing list.
ECE Graders work with professors and TAs to grade homework, assignments, projects, and answer student questions.
The best way to get hired as a grader is to do well in a class, approach the professor, and see if he/she wants to hire you as a grader. The second-best way is to get a general recommendation from a professor.
Mostly, the core ECE undergraduate courses with large enrollments will have available grader openings.
General Position Requirements:
*Must be a current M.S., or Ph.D. ECE major student who is actively enrolled in courses (i.e. incoming students who have not yet started their studies are not eligible)
*A minimum GPA of 3.5 is required for submission of a grader application. New Rutgers students must have at least a 3.2 GPA on a 4.0-point scale from their previous institution of study.
*Must NOT have any failing grades (i.e. D+, D, D-, F) on your graduate study transcript
*Must NOT be enrolled in the course you are applying to support in that semester.
*Must NOT need to take the course you are applying to support in the future towards your own degree requirements.
About the Position:
Duties Include:
*Grade Homework
*Grade Exam(s)
*Grade Projects
*Upload Course Documents to Canvas
*Manage the Course Canvas page
*Address Student Questions Specific to Items Graded
Graders can not be asked to:
*Do any teaching
*Hold office hours
Grader Salary:
*$15.49 per hour
*Up to 10 hours per week. The number of hours per week depends on the course enrollment.
Grader Benefits:
*The grader appointment is "at-will".
Application process:
After applying, the review process will proceed on a rolling basis through the Drop/Add period of the semester. ECE is not able to provide updates on individual applications or positions available. You will receive an email with on-boarding information if you are selected for the grading assignment. We recommend that students continue to seek out other employment opportunities as part of their overall position search, as ECE positions are very competitive and not guaranteed.