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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

News from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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ECE Associate Professor Salim El Rouayheb is the recipient of a new ARL award for the project titled "DAST: Dynamic, Adaptive, and Swift AI at the Resource-Constrained Tactical Networks."  Dr. El Rouayheb is a co-PI on this three-year $1,400,000.00 collaborative effort between Rutgers and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Rutgers’ share of the award is $ $466,666.

Three undergraduate students travel to Indonesia for IEEE conference

A group of three students, Ravi Raghavan, Shreyas Ramachandran, and Atharva Pandhare, from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, traveled to Indonesia in August 2024 to present their paper titled "Cloud-Connected Human-Drone Interface for Intuitive Navigation" at the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Technology. The paper, based on the students' capstone project in Spring 2024, was supervised by ECE Professors Maria Striki and Sasan Haghani.


Shirley S. Davila is a Rutgers alumni from the class of 2014. She graduated with an Electrical and Computer Engineering degree with her capstone focusing on microelectronics. As Davila pursued different careers in the engineering and technical fields, she was able to build on what she learned throughout her degree at Rutgers and discover where her passions lie.