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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Non-Degree Graduate Admission Information

Qualified students may apply to the Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate program for non-matriculated (non-degree) status. Students must have academic credentials that are comparable to those required for regular admission. Transcripts are required. The initial application is made through the Electrical and Computer Engineering program. The completed application materials are then submitted to the Non-degree Graduate Study program. Non-degree students must either be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents.

The course schedules of non-matriculated students must be approved by the graduate director. After completing 12 credits of relevant graduate courses with a grade of B or better, a non-matriculated student may apply for matriculated (degree) status. Only 12 credits of non-degree study are allowed.

The criteria for admission into the regular degree programs for non-matriculated students are the same as for regular degree students. The Graduate Program Coordinator ( can provide more information to interested students. She can be reached at 848-445-2577.