ECE Alumna Sennur Ulukus is the first woman faculty member from engineering to be named a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland. The title is the highest appointment bestowed on a tenured faculty member; it is a recognition not just of excellence, but of impact and significant contribution to the nominee’s field, knowledge, profession, and/or practice.
Since joining Maryland in 2001, she has been named a UMD Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, received the named Anthony Ephremides Professorship in Information Sciences and Systems, served as the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)’s associate chair for graduate studies, and co-founded the Professional Masters Program in Machine Learning; since 2022, she has served as chair of ECE.
Ulukus has been honored with an IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications, NSF CAREER Award, IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award, IEEE Communications Society Women in Communications Engineering Outstanding Achievement Award, and IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award. She is a Fellow of IEEE.