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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Intersection of Software and Hardware Innovation Conducted by Professor Hang Liu

Headshot of Hang Liu

Assistant Professor Hang Liu joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Spring 2023, after serving as a presidential fellowship assistant professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology and an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. He is the recipient of a number of prestigious awards, such as the 2022 IEE CS TCHPC Early Career Researchers Award for Excellence in High-Performance Computing and a 2021 NSF Early CAREER Award, with research interests ranging from high-performance computing and graph analytics to machine learning and numerical methods.

Four Questions for Assistant Professor Hang Liu

4 Questions graphic Rutgers Engineering Innovation in red and white

What fueled your passion for ECE?

I am keenly interested in research innovations that lie at the intersection of software and hardware, which aligns with the themes of ECE and my current research focus on high-performance data analytics.

Who is most likely to benefit from your research?

Tech companies, such as Nvidia, Google, Meta, and Amazon, as well as U.S. Department of Energy researchers.

Do you have a campus lab, and are your students involved in your research?

Yes – my lab is focused on building high-performance systems for big data analytics. My students are working very closely with me on papers and projects.

What do you most enjoy about your department and the School of Engineering?

The collaboration opportunities are rich here in our school. Folks in my department are very friendly, and offer much help on my teaching and research.