ECE Undergraduate Academic Advising
We are here to help you select courses, stay on track for graduation, understand academic policies, connect with opportunities and services, and cheer on your accomplishments.
Undergraduate Office Hours
Undergraduate Program Director Fall 2024 Office Hours
Tuesdays 12 PM to 2 PM
If you cannot meet with the Undergraduate Director during office hours, please email ECEUndergradDirector@soe.rutgers.edu to set up a time to meet.
Undergraduate Office
Sasan Haghani
Undergraduate Director
Office: EE-122
Pamela Heinold
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
In the office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8 am to 4 pm
Students may drop in on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from 9 am to 2 pm
Office: EE-120
Hang Liu
Undergraduate Program Associate Director
Office: CoRE-509
Contact Associate Undergraduate Director for:
*ECE Tours and Orientations
*Course Planning
*Open House
*Rutgers Day
Visit the School of Engineering website for additional advising support.
Join RU ECE Discord
We are proud to announce the RU ECE Discord server! With already 2,010+ members, we hope that this server will be a useful resource for all ECE students, undergrad or grad. The intent is for students to easily discuss and assist each other in our classes but also have a spot to share memes, interact with your fellow ECE peers, ask for advising and resources, etc.