Electrical & Computer Engineering Graduate Courses
Course Descriptions
This course introduces the fundamentals of linear system concepts via solution of linear differential and difference equations. The curriculum covers the state space approach for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) linear systems, and introductions to the concepts of linear system stability, controllability, observability, and minimal realization. It exposes the student to analytic tools used in signal processing, communications, and controls (Fourier and Laplace transforms, frequency domain description of linear systems, etc.,). It aids students in extending the concepts learned in circuit analysis to more abstract linear mapping relationships, and fosters an appreciation for the broad applicability of system theory across various fields of engineering and science.
Syllabus: 16:332:501 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Structure and framework of entrepreneurial endeavors. Phases of a startup, business organization, intellectual property, financing, financial modeling, and business plan writing.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Fundamentals of object-oriented programming and C++ with an emphasis in numerical computing and computational finance. Design Oriented. Topics include: C++ basics, objected oriented concepts, data structures, algorithm analysis and applications.
Syllabus: 16:332:503 Syllabus
Course Description: 16:332:503 Course Description
Credits: 3
The course will develop skills in designing, programming, and testing self-configurable communication protocols and distributed algorithms for wireless sensor networks enabling environmental, health, and seismic monitoring, surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting.
Corequisite: 16:332:543
Syllabus: 16:332:504 syllabusCredits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Review of basic feedback concepts and basic controllers. State space and transfer function approaches for linear control systems. Concepts of stability, controllability, and observability for time-invariant and time-varying linear control systems. Pole placement technique. Full and reduced-order observer designs. Introduction to linear discrete-time systems.
Syllabus: 16:332:505 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Review of state space techniques; transfer function matrices; concepts of controllability, observability and identifiability. Identification algorithms for multivariable systems; minimal realization of a system and its construction from experimental data. State space theory of digital systems. Design of a three mode controller via spectral factorization.
Syllabus: 16:332:506 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Essential principles, techniques, tools, and methods for systems security engineering. Students work in small collaborative design teams to propose, build, and document a project focused on securing systems. Students document their work through a series of written and oral proposals, progress reports, and final reports. Basics of security engineering, usability and psychology, human factors in securing systems, mobile systems security, intersection of security and privacy, security protocols, access control, password security, biometrics, and topical approaches such as gesture--based authentication.
Credits: 3
Syllabus: 16:332:507 PDF and PowerPoint Slides
Review of linear discrete-time systems and the Z-transform. Sampling of continuous-time liner systems and sampled-data linear systems. Quantization effects and implementation issues. Computer controlled continuous-time linear systems. Analysis and design of digital controllers via the transfer function and state space techniques. Linear-quadratic optimal control and Kalman filtering for deterministic and stochastic discrete-time systems.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
The course develops the necessary theory, algorithms and tools to formulate and solve convex optimization problems that seek to minimize cost function subject to constraints. The emphasis of the course is on applications in engineering applications such as control systems, computer vision, machine learning, pattern recognition, financial engineering, communication and networks.
Syllabus: 16:332:509 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Formulation of both deterministic and stochastic optimal control problems. Various performance indices; calculus of variations; derivation of Euler-Lagrange and Hamilton-Jacobi equations and their connection to two-point boundary value problems, linear regulator and the Riccati equations. Pontryagin's maximum principle, its application to minimum time, minimum fuel and "bang-bang" control. Numerical techniques for Hamiltonian minimization. Bellman dynamic programming; maximum principle.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
This course explores tools for modeling, analyzing, and controlling nonlinear systems, including fundamental solution properties, Lyapunov stability theory, passivity, input-output stability, feedback linearization, backstepping, control Lyapunov functions, and other foundational methods in nonlinear and adaptive control.
Syllabus: 16:332:512 Syllabus
Credits: 3
This course explores continuous and discrete-time systems, feedback control, and data-informed controller design. The curriculum covers reverse engineering problems, stabilizing control strategies, and optimal control design from data. Advanced topics include model-predictive control, extremum-seeking, and machine-learning control.
Credits: 3
Syllabus: 16:332:515 Syllabus
Credits: 3
This course will introduce students to fundamentals of Cloud Computing Concepts. It will emphasize both in the distributed communication and coordination aspects of clouds and the new parallel and distributed technologies, concepts, techniques, and algorithms that make-up the Cloud Infrastructure as we have built it up or … envision it today. We will investigate more or less in depth how each individual component works and contributes to the Cloud and also how it works in symphony with all the remaining components of the Cloud Framework. We will ask ourselves at the beginning of the class… What is a Cloud? We will attempt to describe. We will ask ourselves again at the end of the course: What is a Cloud after all? And the goal is that everyone now will color this answer with his/her own personal experience on working, touching, approaching, altering some parts of the Cloud!
Syllabus: 16:332:516 Syllabus
Credits: 3
This course introduces computing principles in mobile embedded systems and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on mobile devices. It focuses on emerging computing paradigms in the areas of context-aware pervasive systems, spatiotemporal access control with distributed software agents, mobile sensing, and trust and privacy in mobile environments. It also introduces techniques for implementing AI and developing deep learning models on resource-constrained mobile devices.
Syllabus: 16:332:518 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: 16:332:501
Sampling and quantization of analog signals; Z-transforms; digital filter structures and hardware realizations; digital filter design methods; DFT and FFT and methods and their application to fast convolution and spectrum estimation; introduction to discrete time random signals.
Syllabus: 16:332:521 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Syllabus: 16:332:525 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Introduction to robotics; robot kinematics and dynamics. Trajectory planning and control. Systems with force, touch and vision sensors. Telemanipulation. Programming languages for industrial robots. Robotic simulation examples.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Prerequisite: 16:332:521
Acoustics of speech generation; perceptual criteria for digital representation of audio signals; signal processing methods for speech analysis; waveform coders; vocoders; linear prediction; differential coders (DPCM, delta modulation); speech synthesis; automatic speech recognition; voice-interactive information systems.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Prerequisites: 16:332:521, 16:642:550, (16:332:535 recommended)
Visual information, image restoration, coding for compression and error control, motion compensation, and advanced television.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Electronic devicesCourse Description:
This course seeks to introduce the major biochemical and molecular processes relevant in molecular diagnostics. Additionally, this course provides an understanding of emerging micro- and nanotechnologies for biomarker-based disease diagnosis and gives insight and understanding to participants to quantitatively evaluate and design biosensing solutions in medical diagnostics. The course covers the interface of biology and engineering, in particular microfluidics, sample preparation, and biosensing in current and emerging technologies.Topics Covered:
Intro to Molecular Biology and Physiology, Intro to Cancer Biology, Traditional Diagnostics, Microfluidics: Hydrodynamic Physics, Mass Transfer Affects and Biosensor Performance Limits, Interfacial Electrochemistry/Electrical Biosensing, In-vitro and In-vivo Bioelectronic Devices and Interfaces, Electronic Biosensors, Noise Analysis, Signal Conditioning, Low-Noise Electronic Circuits for Biosensing, Electric Field/Fluid Interactions: Electrokinetics, Micro/Nanofabrication Techniques, Electrokinetics and Sample Preparation, Nanoelectronic Biosensing Devices, Optical Microscopy and Nanophotonic Micromechanical and Magnetic Sensing TechniquesSyllabus: 16:332:530 Syllabus
Credits: 3
This course provides a “mathematical toolkit” for analyzing large-scale signal processing and machine learning algorithms. Topics in this course include: concentration of measure, high-dimensional geometry, packings and coverings, random matrices, random processes, and application
Syllabus: 16:332:531 Syllabus
Credits: 3
This graduate-level course teaches multimodal machine learning and sensor data analysis through signal processing, control, and machine learning techniques. Students will gain hands-on experience in filters, time series analysis, and deep learning models for sensor fusion and inference.
Syllabus: 16:332:532 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Senior and graduate student only
Course: Linear Algebra experience necessaryCourse Description:
In computational imaging, optical encoding methods, as done in digital holography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), allow us to capture images from the depths of the human body to the far reaches of space. In such systems, the acquired signals are not the desired images, but functions of them, as determined by the optical encoding. Solving the corresponding inverse problems allows us to recover the desired images. Throughout this course, we’ll examine a variety of inverse problems, looking at both classic and modern computational imaging techniques. We’ll dissect the imaging systems tied to these problems and delve into algorithm development for solving them. With machine learning leading the charge in today’s imaging solutions, we will also explore how these techniques are integrated into solving inverse problems.Topics Covered:
• Introduction to computational imaging and inverse problems
• Compressed sensing
• Complex source structures
• Deep learning for solving inverse problems (End-to-end methods, Unrolled solutions, Iterative solutions)
• Phase retrieval
• Coherent imaging methodsSyllabus: 16:332:533 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: 16:332:521 or Permission of instructor. Corequisite: 16:642:550
Wavelets and subband coding with applications to audio, image, and video processing. Compression and communications issues including low-bit-rate video systems. Design of digital filters for systems with 2 or more channels. Matlab and matrix algorithms for analysis, design, and implementation.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Credits: 3
Axioms of probability; conditional probability and independence; random variables and functions thereof; mathematical expectation; characteristic functions; conditional expectation; Gaussian random vectors; mean square estimation; convergence of a sequence of random variables; laws of large numbers and Central Limit Theorem; stochastic processes, stationarity, autocorrelation and power spectral density; linear systems with stochastic inputs; linear estimation; independent increment, Markov, Wiener, and Poisson processes.
Syllabus: 16:332:541 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Noiseless channels and channel capacity; entropy, mutual information, Kullback-Leibler distance and other measures of information; typical sequences, asymptotic equipartition theorem; prefix codes, block codes, data compression, optimal codes, Huffman, Shannon-Fano-Elias, Arithmetic coding; memoryless channel capacity, coding theorem and converse; Hamming, BCH, cyclic codes; Gaussian channels and capacity; coding for channels with input constraint; introduction to source coding with a fidelity criterion.
Syllabus: 16:332:542 Course Syllabus
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: 14:332:226 or equivalent or 16:332:541 or equivalent
Introduction to telephony and integrated networks. Multiplexing schematics. Circuit and packet switching networks. Telephone switches and fast packet switches. Teletraffic characterization.. Delay and blocking analysis. Queueing network analysis.
Syllabus: 16:332:543 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: 16:332:541
Network and protocol architectures. Layered connection management, including network design, path dimensioning, dynamic routing, flow control, and random access algorithms. Protocols for error control, signaling, addressing, fault management, and security control. This course is intended to provide an in-depth and practical understanding of modern computer networks that constitute the Internet. The scope includes network architecture, key technologies, layer 2 and layer 3 protocols, and examples of specific systems. Emphasis will be on network protocols and related software implementation. The course includes a hands-on “clean-slate” network prototyping project involving specification, standardization and software implementation.
Syllabus: 16:332:544 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Signal space and Orthonormal expansions, effect of additive noise in electrical communications vector channels, waveform channels, matched filters, bandwidth and dimensionality. Digital modulation techniques. Optimum receiver structures, probability of error, bit and block signaling, Intersymbol interference and its effects, equalization and optimization of baseband binary and M-ary signaling schemes; introduction to coding techniques.
Syllabus: 16:332:545 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Propagation models and modulation techniques for wireless systems, receivers for optimum detection on wireless channels, effects of multiple access and intersymbol interference, channel estimation, TDMA and CDMA cellular systems, radio resource management, mobility models.
Syllabus: 16:332:546 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Application of information-theoretic principles to communication system analysis and design. Source and channel coding considerations, rudiments of rate-distortion theory. Probabilistic error control coding impact on system performance. Introduction to various channel models of practical interest, spread spectrum communication fundamentals. Current practices in modern digital communication system design and operation.
Syllabus: 16:332:548 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Statistical decision theory, hypothesis testing, detection of known signals and signals with unknown parameters in noise, receiver performance and error probability, applications to radar and communications. Statistical estimation theory, performance measures and bounds, efficient estimators. Estimation of unknown signal parameters, optimum demodulation, applications, linear estimation, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering.
Syllabus: 16:332:549 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Prerequisites:14:332:349 and 14:332:450 or equivalent
Cellular mobile radio; cordless telephones; systems architecture; network control; switching; channel assignment techniques; short range microwave radio propagation; wireless information transmission including multiple access techniques, modulation, source coding, and channel coding.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Prerequisite:16:332:580 or equivalent
Overview of modern microwave engineering including transmission lines, network analysis, integrated circuits, diodes, amplifier and oscillator design. Microwave subsystems including front-end and transmitter components, antennas, radar terrestrial communications, and satellites.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Undergraduate Probability and Linear AlgebraCourse Description:
This course teaches students the very basics of quantum information science. Its purpose is to supply the material required to enter the field. This course first addresses the three essential questions of quantum computing: How is quantum information represented? How is quantum information processed? How is classical information extracted from quantum states? It then introduces the most fundamental quantum algorithms and protocols that illustrate the advantages of quantum information processing over the classical.Topics Covered:
We discuss several basic quantum algorithms that offer computing advantages over their classical counterparts, such as the Deutsch-Jozsa, Bernstein-Vazirani, Simon, Shor factoring, and Grover search algorithms. The class focuses on algorithms for quantum error-correcting codes.Syllabus: 16:332:557 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Undergraduate Probability and Linear AlgebraCourse Description:
This course focuses on scenarios with multi-party communication and multi-part computing systems.Topics Covered:
Quantum key distribution and elements of quantum information theory
multi-player games and quantum correlations (e.g., CHSH and monogamy of entanglement)
multi-level and multi-mode representation of quantum information (harmonic oscillator)
Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) systems, processing information in multiple hybrid quantum/classical iterations.Syllabus: 16:332:558 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Credits: 3
Computer display systems, algorithms and languages for interactive graphics. Vector, curve, and surface generation algorithms. Hidden-line and hidden-surface elimination. Free-form curve and surface modeling. High-realism image rendering.
Credits: 3
Image processing and pattern recognition. Principles of image understanding. Image formation, boundary detection, region growing, texture and characterization of shape. Shape from monocular clues, stereo and motion. Representation and recognition of 3-D structures.
Syllabus: 16:332:561 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Advanced visualization techniques, including volume representation, volume rendering, ray tracing, composition, surface representation, advanced data structures. User interface design, parallel and object-oriented graphic techniques, advanced modeling techniques.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Fundamentals of computer architecture using quantitative and qualitative principles. Instruction set design with examples and measurements of use, basic processor implementation: hardwired logic and microcode, pipelining; hazards and dynamic scheduling, vector processors, memory hierarchy; caching, main memory and virtual memory, input/output, and introduction to parallel processors; SIMD and MIMD organizations.
Syllabus: 16:332:563 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Advanced hardware and software issues in main-stream computer architecture design and evaluation. Topics include register architecture and design, instruction sequencing and fetching, cross-branch fetching, advanced software pipelining, acyclic scheduling, execution efficiency, predication analysis, speculative execution, memory access ordering, prefetch and preloading, cache efficiency, low power architecture, and issues in multiprocessors.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
This course focuses on cybersecurity research from the perspective of hardware systems. The curriculum covers the topics of hardware for security, security of hardware, and system security with the goal of building secure and trustworthy hardware systems.
Syllabus: 16:332:565 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Introduction to the fundamental of parallel and distributed computing including systems, architectures, algorithms, programming models, languages and software tools. Topics covered include parallelization and distribution models; parallel architectures; cluster and networked meta-computing systems; parallel/distributed programming; parallel/distributed algorithms, data-structures and programming methodologies, applications; and performance analysis. A "hands-on" course with programming assignments and a final project.
Syllabus: 16:332:566 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Overview of software development process. Formal techniques for requirement analysis, system specification and system testing. Distributed systems. System security and system reliability. Software models and metrics. Case studies.
Credits: 3
The course focus is on Web software design with particular emphasis on mobile wireless terminals. The first part of the course introduces tools; Software component (Java Beans), Application frameworks, Design patterns, XML, Communication protocols, Server technologies, and Intelligent agents. The second part of the course presents case studies of several Web applications. In addition, student teams will through course projects develop components for an XML-Based Web, such as browsers, applets, servers, and intelligent agents.
Syllabus: 16:332:568 Syllabus
Course Description; 16:332:568
Credits: 3
Relational data model, relational database management system, relational query languages, parallel database systems, database computers, and distributed database systems.
Syllabus: 16:332:569 syllabus
Credits: 3
A toolbox of advanced methods for computer vision, using robust estimation, clustering, probabilistic techniques, invariance. Applications include feature extraction, image segmentation, object recognition, and 3-D recovery.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Introduction to Virtual Reality. Input/Output tools. Computing architectures. Modeling. Virtual Reality programming. Human factors. Applications and future systems.
Syllabus: 16:332:571 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Study of the theory and practice of applied parallel/distributed computing. The course focuses on advanced topics in parallel computing including current and emerging architectures, programming models application development frameworks, runtime management, load-balancing and scheduling, as well as emerging areas such as autonomic computing, Grid computing, pervasive computing and sensor-based systems. A research-oriented course consisting of reading, reviewing and discussing papers, conducting literature surveys, and a final project.
Credits: 3
The objective is to take graduate students in all graduate School of Engineering fields with a good undergraduate data structures and programming background and make them expert in programming the common algorithms and data structures, using the C and C++ programming languages. The students will perform laboratory exercises in programming the commonplace algorithms I C and C++. The students will also be exposed to computation models and computational complexity.
Syllabus 16:332:573 syllabus
Credits: 3
This course introduces the fabrication and layout techniques necessary to design Very Large
Scale Integrated circuit (VLSI) systems. The curriculum covers CMOS digital logic, fabrication
process technology, MOSFET theory, layout design rules including all the factors required for an
effective circuit design, and case study of IC chips and microprocessors.Syllabus: 16:332:574 Syllabus
Credits: 3
VLSI technology and algorithms; systolic and wavefront-array architecture; bit-serial pipelined architecture; DSP architecture; transputer; interconnection networks; wafer-cscale integration; neural networks.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Testing of Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits (of up to 50 million transistors) determines whether a manufactured circuit is defective. Algorithms for test-pattern generation for combinational, sequential, memory, and analog circuits. Design of circuits for easy testability. Design of built-in self-testing circuits.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Transistor design and chip layout of commonly-used analog circuits such as OPAMPS, A/D and D/A converters, sample-and-hold circuits, filters, modulators, phase-locked loops, and voltage-controlled oscillators. Low-power design techniques for VLSI digital circuits, and system-on-a-chip layout integration issues between analog and digital cores.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
This course is a continuation of VLSI design including combinational, sequential circuits, and data path subsystems for VLSI design. The curriculum focuses on aiming to a single-nanoscale VLSI Chip and the design methodologies on each level including logic design, circuit design, and physical design (floorplanning), emphasizing low-power/low voltage, cost-effective strategy. To overcome Deep Sub-Micron scaling issues, nanoscale-VLSI technologies are addressed and reviewed, underlining the novelty and feasibility with concurrent VLSI/ULSI technologies.
Syllabus: 16:332:578 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: A course in elementary electromagnetics
Static boundary value problems, dielectrics, wave equations, propagation in lossless and lossy media, boundary problems, waveguides and resonators, radiation fields, antenna patterns and parameters, arrays, transmit-receive systems, antenna types.
Credits: 3
Introduction to quantum mechanics; WKB method; perturbation theory; hydrogen atom; identical particles; chemical bonding; crystal structures; statistical mechanics; free-electron model; quantum theory of electrons in periodic lattices.
Credits: 3
Charge transport, diffusion and drift current, injection, lifetime, recombination and generation processes, p-n junction devices, transient behavior, FET's, I-V, and frequency characteristics, MOS devices C-V, C-f and I-V characteristics, operation of bipolar transistors.
Syllabus:16:332:583 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Review of microwave devices, O and M-type devices, microwave diodes, Gunn, IMPATT, TRAPATT, etc., scattering parameters and microwave amplifiers, heterostructures and III-V compound based BJT's and FET's.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
This course is designed for the student interested in an overview of the technological methods for obtaining energy from non-renewable and renewable energy sources. The course is divided into three components: Energy Analysis Toolbox, Non-renewable (Fossil) Energy Sources and Renewable Energy Sources.
Syllabus: 16:332:585 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Electronic devicesCourse Description:
This course seeks to introduce the major biochemical and molecular processes relevant in molecular diagnostics. The curriculum covers an understanding of emerging micro- and nanotechnologies for biomarker-based disease diagnosis and gives insight and understanding to participants to quantitatively evaluate and design biosensing solutions in medical diagnostics. The course explores the interface of biology and engineering, in particular microfluidics, sample preparation, and biosensing in current and emerging technologies. Topics include Intro to Molecular Biology and Physiology, Intro to Cancer Biology, Traditional Diagnostics, Microfluidics: Hydrodynamic Physics, Mass Transfer Affects and Biosensor Performance Limits, Interfacial Electrochemistry/Electrical Biosensing, In-vitro and In-vivo Bioelectronic Devices and Interfaces, Electronic Biosensors, Noise Analysis, Signal Conditioning, Low-Noise Electronic Circuits for Biosensing, Electric Field/Fluid Interactions: Electrokinetics, Micro/Nanofabrication Techniques, Electrokinetics and Sample Preparation, Nanoelectronic Biosensing Devices, Optical Microscopy and Nanophotonic Micromechanical and Magnetic Sensing Techniques.Syllabus: 16:332:586 Syllabus
Credits: 3
This course introduces the design and application of a broad range of device-oriented circuits in
a comprehensive manner. The curriculum includes recent micro/nano-fabrication processes for silicon technology including micro/nano fabrication facilities and instruments. It presents the design of discrete transistor circuit, BJT, MOSFET theory, transistor amplifier for High-frequency and Low-frequency, switching applications, and power applications regarding biasing and noise. Specific topics include Introduction / modern semiconductor fabrication processes, Semiconductor Diode, BJT, MOSFET, Linear amplifiers, Frequency response of Transistor Amplifier, Operational Amplifier, Power supplies, Oscillators, Phase Lock Loops, Frequency Synthesizers, and Non-linear circuits and special devices.Syllabus: 16:332:587 Syllabus
Credits: 3
This course introduces the fundamentals and operating principles of three-dimensional transistor
(e.g. FinFET) and explores advanced IC design with 3D Transistor and aim to understand the
superior performances over conventional 2D MOSFET transistors. The curriculum includes the design of digital integrated circuits based on NMOS, CMOS, bipolar BiCMOS and GaAs FETs; fabrication and modeling; analysis of saturating and non-saturating digital circuits, sequential logic circuits, semiconductor memories, gate arrays, PLA and GaAs LSI circuits.Syllabus: 16:332:588 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Basic concepts in RF design, analysis of noise, transceiver architectures, analysis and design of RF integrated circuits for modern wireless communications systems: low noise amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, phase-locked loops.
Syllabus: 16:332:589 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Students of the “Socially Cognizant Robotics” course will learn basic principles and state-of-the-art developments of robotics so as to learn the expected trajectory of this technology and its impact on individuals and society. The course is designed for both STEM students as well as computationally-oriented cognitive and social science students. The interdisciplinary curriculum has seven underlying disciplines spanning STEM fields to social and behavioral sciences. It includes traditionally technical disciplines, such as robot embodiment and control, and extends to areas which support human interaction, such as visual learning and language processing, to cognitive modeling, which enables more high level human-robot cooperation, and finally to areas such as behavioral research and public policy. The course will utilize open-source software libraries in robotics, computer vision, and deep learning. Recent innovations at the intersection of deep reinforcement learning and human behavior modeling will be explored in the context of optimizing collaborative robot action.
Syllabus: 16:332:590 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Waveguides and optical filters, optical resonators, principles of laser action, light emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers, optical amplifiers, optical modulators and switches, photodetectors, wavelength- division-multiplexing and related optical devices.
Credits: 3
Photonic crystals: photonic bandgap, photonic crystal surfaces, fabrication, cavities, lasers, modulators and switches, superprism devices for communications, sensing and nonlinear optics, channel drop filters; advanced quantum theory of lasers: Ferim’s golden for laser transition, noise, quantum well lasers, quantum cascade lasers. Nonlinear optics: parametric amplification, stimulated Raman/Brillouin scattering, Q-switching, mode-locked lasers.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Prerequisite:16:332:583 or equivalent
Photovoltaic material and devices, efficiency criteria, Schottky barrier, p-n diode, heterojunction and MOS devices, processing technology, concentrator systems, power system designs and storage.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Students of the “Design Methods in Socially Cognizant Robotics” course will be exposed to basic principles and state-of-the-art developments of robotics through a hands-on, experiential process. The objective is to learn the expected trajectory of this technology, which will impact individuals and society, and gain the experience of putting together robotics systems that are socially-aware. Learning goals include Develop and utilize socially cognizant design principles, learning to develop and control robotic systems which interact with humans, iplement methods of robot control in the context of human-robot collaboration that emphasizes pro-social performance metrics, developing coding skills in python to integrate vision libraries (opencv), robotics libraries (ROS), or machine learning libraries (pytorch), and demonstrating use of cognitive modeling of human behavior in order to design better collaborative robotic systems that are tuned to human desires and that can be used to learn human intent.
Syllabus: 16:332:595 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Preparation of elemental and compound semiconductors. Bulk crystal growth techniques. Epitaxial growth techniques. Impurities and defects and their incorporation. Characterization techniques to study the structural, electrical and optical properties.
Credits: 3
Frequency: This course is not offered regularly.
Graduate student or undergraduate senior onlyCourse Description:
This is an interdisciplinary course that introduces students to the field of biomedical technologies. Students learn fundamental concepts in the areas of bioelectrical engineering, point-of-care sensors, fabrication, micro/ nano technologies, microfluidics, data processing, and global healthcare applications. The course will provide a detailed background on the engineering principles used for biosensor development. Microelectronic sensor fabrication and characterization of the point-of-care biosensors will be taught. The course also will also introduce students to the on-chip sample processing, surface functionalization techniques, label-free detection of biomolecules, electronic instrumentation, and data processing. Course will highlight the development of personalized predictive systems for health care using machine learning techniques. Course also includes case studies of point-of-care sensors. The course is cross listed for senior undergraduates and starting graduate students.Topics Covered:
• Introduction to unmet needs in the global healthcare and role of biomedical technologies.
• Point-of-care biosensors and intro to micro-nano bio-technologies
• Role of biomarkers in sensing
• Stepwise process for a modular design of a point-of-care (POC) biomedical sensor
• Microfabrication techniques and rapid device prototyping & additive manufacturing
• Introduction to microfluidics
• Unique architecture design for on-chip sample processing and simulations in COMSOL
• Electrical biosensing principles (Electrochemical, conductance, and impedance sensors)
• Instrumentation design and signal/ data processing. ML integration.
• Optical biosensing principles (fluorescence detection & Raman spectroscopy)
• Bio-Instruments: Fluorescence Microscope and Flow Cytometer etc.
• Specific leukocytes capture and counting
• Surface functionalization and proteins quantification
• DNA identification and PCR assays
• Instrumentation design and signal processing
• Biostatistics to evaluate performance of biosensorsSyllabus: 16:332:598 Syllabus
Credits: 3
Presentation involving current research given by advanced students and invited speakers. Term papers required.
Credits: 1
Course Frequency: Not Frequently Offered
Presentation involving current research given by advanced students and invited speakers. Term papers required.
Credits: 1
Course Frequency: Not Frequently Offered
Robotics and Society is an interdisciplinary course, drawing on instructors, theory, and empirical work from the social sciences, policy, engineering, and natural sciences. The course will introduce those with a robotics background to social science theory and methods and, for those with a social science and/or policy or planning background, a greater understanding of the technology world through course work with students from those disciplines and projects that deepen their technical knowledge. Students will critically examine recent technological advances in robotics with respect to whether and how they meet social needs, and to learn about the social processes that shape technology artifacts and systems. They will focus on applications in which humans and robots closely interact. The module on research methods will provide students a critical understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different methods and provide them the tools to be discerning consumers of research.
Syllabus: 16:332:640 Syllabus
Presentation involving current research given by advanced students and invited speakers. Term papers required.
Credits: 1
Course Frequency: Not Frequently Offered
Presentation involving current research given by advanced students and invited speakers. Term papers required.
Credits: 1
Course Frequency: Not Frequently Offered
Presentation involving current research given by advanced students and invited speakers. Term papers required.
Credits: 1
Course Frequency: Not Frequently Offered
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
Investigation in selected areas of electrical engineering.
This course exposes students to various research specializations through research presentations by distinguished visiting lecturers. Colloquium is a required course for all graduate students.
Credits: 0
Research supervised by faculty in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Typically 1 to 3 credits per semester.
Note: Syllabi and course frequency are for informational purposes only. Subject to change without notice.